Equine Rehab and Posture Training
This course on equine rehabilitation and posture training helps you learn the exercises you can do with your horse, so you can successfully help your horse during rehab as well as in every day training.
Welcome from Gillian Tabor
Safety for you and your horses
About me - my academic study and influences
How many exercises and how often
Warm up considerations
Signs of fatigue
Training Diary
Rocking - weight shift exercises
Rounding reflexes
Carrot Stretches
Postive posture
In-hand Circles
Halt transitions
In- hand Hacking
Progressing in-hand - What, Why & How
Head down training
In-hand poles and obstacles
In-hand progression of exercises
10 tips for a healthly horses back
Leg stretches
Developing topline - Article
Research on Rehab
Research on Carrot Stretches
Muscle Fibre Types and Training
How did you get on?
Introduction & Welcome
Video 1 - What is posture and why is it important?
Video 2 - What does your horse need to achieve an optimal posture?
Video 3 - Assessing posture
Video 4 - Changing Posture
Video 5 - Progressing posture change